Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cliff Notes Version of What's Been going on...........Sorry for the Delay!!!

Whew!!  A lot to talk about!!  Let's start with the first trimester!!  OMG!  It was awful.  I was so sick.  I didn't think that I would EVER see the light of day.  For real..............I was in the bed most weeks, 24-7.  I dry heaved and threw up about 20 times a day and that may just be an understatement.  I took Zofran about every six hours as prescribed for nausea.  It helped just a little.  I couldn't imagine surviving with out it though.  If I see another saltine cracker again, I think I may  throw it across the room!!!!!!!!!!!!! I lived off of dry cheerios and water with the occasional hard candy tossed in for flavor.  It took until about week 17 for the sickness to go away. Although it was such a rough ride in the beginning, I would do it all over again for our sweet baby girl.  Oh, BTW, did I mention we are having a girl????  Her name is Piper Ellis Martin. 
Dr. Vu is our ob/gyn.  We love her.  She is so full of energy and so warm and inviting.  We trust her and know that she has the best interest of the baby at all times!!  What a relief that is.  Especially for me, someone who worries non-stop.  Could I be turning into my Grandmother?!?!?  Please God, NO!!!!!!!!!  HA!  HA!  We had our gender ultra sound on June 14th.  Going in, both Jeff and I felt it was a girl.  We had two names picked out for each gender.  Piper Ellis and Ellis Marie for a girl and Jones Ellis and Ellis Jones if he was a boy.  I packed skittles and coke, just in cake she was taking a nap and didn't cooperate!!  I didn't need them at all - as we discovered that she is definitely my child....................she was rockin' and rollin' all over the place. The ultra sound tech said "Whoa!!  That's a busy baby!!!"  We knew at that moment, she was a Piper!!  :) She was such an active little thing.  We still laugh at her.  Jeff says she looks like she was crawling up through a tunnel. 
We got a few pics of the ultra sound.  They are "cute"  I put quotes around that because at first I was so freaked out at how she looked.  Ultra sound pics don't do much justice - kinda alien like.  Does this make me a bad mom??  But then I think what if I had a home the size of a melon, soaking in fluid and someone took a picture of me X amount of layers deep, how would I look.  We won't talk about my weight gain and the X amount of layers!!  LOL!!  Oh well, it's a blog, what the heck.  I've gained 15 lbs so far at 20 weeks.  I thought that was pretty good, until Dr. Vu said she would have liked to seen me only gain 10 lbs. thus far.  What can I say, food had started to taste really really good.  If you recall, I lived off of dry cheerios!!  I've started my registry and have been looking at bedding.  Can't wait to start decorating.  That's going to be one of my favorite parts of this!! 

Well, I think that is all I can think of for now.  I hope to get some pictures up soon.  Most of them are on Facebook, so feel free to check them out there!! 
Thanks for checking in on my blog!!  Make it a great day!!!

Angela & Piper